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1st Annual Bragg Creek Plein Air Festival October 1 & 2, 2016 & Artists On Tour Show and Sale October 7, 8 & 9

Join Art Country Canada October 1 & 2, 2016 for the 1st annual Bragg Creek Plein Air Festival
Artists can register for this event for the cost of $50.00 there will be a kickoff and orientation party at the Art Country Canada Gallery in Bragg Creek September 30.

The Bragg Creek Plein Air festival is for everyone to enjoy, from amateur to Professional.
The whole point is to celebrate the arts and promote the arts. It is an opportunity to mingle with others and enjoy the beauty of Bragg Creek as well. It is an opportunity to share in the experience.

A Friday night party at the gallery and Saturday and Sunday as the kick off days for the Plein air painting at the designated sites around Bragg Creek.

There will be samples for those who sign up as well disclosed at a later date. There will also be awards given out on the following Sunday at 12:00 noon for best of show, along with the top 15 or 20 pieces being shown at the Redwood Meadows community centre in conjunction with the major Art Show sponsored by Artists on Tour and Art Country Canada gallery in Bragg creek.

The participating artists are required to paint 12 x 16’s vertical or horizontal, along with this is the opportunity to order 1-2 frames from Art Country Canada at special price for presentation purposes. That way all artwork will be consistent in presentation. The paintings, whether at the show or in the Art Country gallery will be for sale with 50% going to the artist, and 50% going to a local charity to support the Arts in Bragg Creek. This will be to fund promising young artists in the Bragg Creek area.

As this is the first annual event we are excited about making this an event that will attract artists from all over North America, not just locally. Come and support, and be part of something that will bring a positive experience to all who participate.

For more information visit


October 7, 8 & 9, 2016
Art Country Canada
Red Wood Meadows Community Centre
1 Manyhorses Drive
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Join  artists Diane Anderson,Henri De Groot, Jonn Einerssen, Eric Erwin, Darren Haley, Brent Heighton, Loretta Kyle, Doug Levitt, Richard S. McDiarmid, Neil Patterson, Vance Theoret, Vilem Zach & David Zimmerman
This is always a unique opportunity to meet and mingle with local and internationally established artists such as Jonn Einerssen, Brent Heighton, Vance Theoret… along with many more of western Canada’s finest creative talents, many with roots in our region.


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